5 Ways AI is Driving Sustainability in Business Operations


The most recognizable and famous logos in the world are those of some of the most well-known organizations and brands. These may not appear the most complex in design, but they often boast hidden meaning, memorability and impact.

Whether they’ve existed since the brand originated, have been slowly but consistently tweaked again and again, or if they’re completely different from what came before, we flick through the most famous logos in the world to gain a deeper understanding of successful logo design. Check out our video on the world’s most famous logos or dive into the article below. Either way, these logos will inspire your next logo design.

A challenging year, with silver linings

While the marketing industry has been moving slowly towards more flexible working arrangements for a while now, almost three quarters (74%) of marketers have been working from home since March.

The impact of such a rapid and fundamental shift in work model is far reaching, as are the effects of 2020’s many social and economic challenges.

But even through adversity we are already seeing benefits emerge that have the potential to shape the growth of the marketing industry in a positive way for years to come. Key takeaways include:

Productivity in a remote setting

Surely working from home makes us all more productive? There’s less distraction from the fancy coffee machine, no need to tend to the office plants, and no chatting with your desk mates.

Well, yes and no. It’s definitely not one size fits all.

Almost a third (32%) of marketers said their productivity improved working from home, while just under a quarter (23%) said their productivity had taken a nosedive. Everyone else said their levels remained about the same.

But when you look more closely at the specific roles of marketers and how their productivity has been affected, there’s more to these figures than meets the eye.

Almost 2 in 5 (38%) Account Managers and Directors and 44% of Brand and Marketing Managers said their productivity had improved while working from home. On the other hand, half of C-Suite and Agency Owners said their productivity levels had stayed the same, with only 25% reporting an improvement.

The do-ers seem to do better remotely while senior leaders have maintained similar levels of productivity compared to their more junior colleagues. While experience means more senior team members have likely refined their working style and already found a balance that works for them, the type of work could well play a role.

In short, executional, hands on work has the opportunity to thrive in times of increased focus and decreased interruptions (pets and children notwithstanding!).

Creativity and collaboration

A similar split can be seen when it comes to creativity.

30% of all marketing professionals said that they found creative work and collaboration on creative projects more difficult since working from home, but a similar number (31%) said they actually found it easier remotely.

However, when you look at the breakdown of responses by age (and therefore typical levels of seniority), a pattern emerges: younger people have found remote creative collaboration more challenging than their older colleagues.

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